Cannabis 101
Course Prefix and Number | UCN 700 |
Interest Areas | Cannabis |
This course serves as a broad introduction to the cannabis genus and the plants’ various uses across history, culture, and industry. Learners begin with an exploration into medicinal cannabis and industrial hemp, trace the biochemistry of phytocannabinoids and endocannabinoids, compare differences between indoor and outdoor grow, and review cannabis botany and phylogenetics. Weeks 4-6 introduce learners to industry-specific sectors: the challenges with retail and distribution, vendoring, finance, and human resources in Cannabis Enterprise; an overview of regulation, insurance, payroll and taxes, intellectual property, insurance, and labor law in Cannabis Law & Policy; and the basic requirements for choosing medical products, FDA regulation, and future opportunities for allied health professionals in Cannabis Medicine & Healthcare. The final unit is praxis-based: learners explore a series of interviews with successful cannabis experts, and develop a prospectus for their job portfolio. |
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